Congratulations Sean
On August 6, 2022 we congratulated our fearless Renew Recovery House Leader, Sean Nelson for achieving a full year of continuous sobriety. You are amazing and we appreciate all you do for us as well as the recovery community!
On August 6, 2022 we congratulated our fearless Renew Recovery House Leader, Sean Nelson for achieving a full year of continuous sobriety. You are amazing and we appreciate all you do for us as well as the recovery community!
On June 26, 2022 Headrest cut the ribbon on the Renew Recovery House, Sober Living for Men in Boscawen, New Hampshire! Headrest is so excited to be able to extend our services & offer sober living for men. With over 5 decades of experience, we are bringing our mission and vision to a new level [...]
It was with hearts full of gratitude and thoughts full of fond memories that Headrest celebrated the retirement of Headrest Opportunities for Work program manager Lori Bartlett today. Lori has been at the helm of the H.O.W program since its inception in 2018 and has helped hundreds of clients reenter the workforce and [...]
Happy Thanksgiving from our Headrest family to yours! Residents and staff prepared and enjoyed an amazing Thanksgiving Dinner together today in their Church Street home. Full hearts and stomachs were had by all. Thank you to The Women of Crossing Paths for providing us with all of the fixings for the dinner and thank [...]
An enormous thank you and tremendous gratitude goes out to The Women of Crossing Paths for their heartfelt and generous gift presented to our Church Street residents today. These amazing women brought an entire feast for us to prepare and enjoy together as a community for Thanksgiving. From the turkey to sides and desserts [...]
Our Boscawen facility received some fresh paint today and our hardworking team was treated to gourmet burgers prepared by Iron Chef, and Executive Director, Cameron Ford. The paint job and burgers are both top notch! Great Job Team!
Renovations bring temporary rearranging of workspace and readying for construction. This crew, and all of Headrest, working day and night to assure we never skip a beat in maintaining our standard of excellence in client care during this long awaited upgrade!
Headrest was featured on WMUR's New Hampshire Chronicle on Tuesday, November 16! "A hotline that's been running continuously 24/7 since it was started by a group of kids from Dartmouth College 50 years ago." To view the segment, click here or the image below. (This will open on WMUR's website and Headrest is not [...]
If it’s beginning to feel a bit like winter….it’s time to start looking a bit like winter. Our Church Street residents were sporting their new Team Headrest winter hats as they spent a relaxing Wednesday night together as a community!
“We peeled away the layers of our past and began to rebuild anew.” Remodeling has begun on our Church St. home! Let’s Goooo!!