Mission Statement / Vision
Founded in 1971, Headrest is a non-profit organization with a mission to assist those affected by substance use disorder, experiencing a crisis, or in need of support by providing effective programs and treatments. We also offer support to the family members, friends, neighbors and employers of our clients.
For those in recovery, Headrest offers Outpatient Counseling, in either an individual or group setting; Intensive Outpatient Counseling; our Low Intensity Residential Program, where length of stay depends on each client’s treatment plan; the Headrest “Opportunities For Work” (HOW) Vocational Program, which helps our clients get and keep career-ladder, living-wage jobs; and the Headrest Recovery Friendly Workplace EAR (Employee Assistance Resource) Program to allow employees to access a MLADC (Master Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor).
Download our brochure to learn more about Headrest’s service offerings.
For those in crisis, Headrest operates the 24/7 Hotline (1-800-273-TALK) that serves NH, VT and parts of ME. On average, the 24/7 Crisis-Suicide Hotline fields 10,000 calls per year relating to a variety of crisis including depression/anxiety, substance use disorder, domestic violence and suicide ideation. Other programs include the Impaired Driver Care Management Program (DUI School), where individuals who have lost their license due to a DUI learn to take responsibility for their actions and work towards getting their license back, and the Friends & Family Support Group, which is facilitated by people who are also in recovery.
Mission Statement (updated January 2020):
Headrest supports individuals and their families, friends and neighbors affected by substance use, navigating recovery, or in crisis, by providing effective programs and treatment options that support prevention and long-term recovery. Headrest will never turn anyone away.
The Headrest Vision:
“We imagine a world where there is no shame in getting the help you need.”